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Photographer will choose which angles or views to shoot unless specifically directed prior to the shoot.
We ask that the property be photo ready for the photographer. Undesired furniture, pet items, dishes in sink, counter top items etc. should be removed and tucked away prior to the shoot. Please make sure beds are made, pillows are in the place you'd like them and towels are nicelyfolded.This also includes having all lights on and ceilingfans off. The average house should take between 30 and 45 minutes to shoot. Having the home ready is important to helping us stay within this time frame, as well as keeping costs down. If house is not ready additional time may be needed, which could result in additional costs. Photographer will let you know if this may be the case. You will be informed of any additions costs prior to charging.
We use our experiencealong with market research to determine the best course of action for each property. We focus on proven home selling points. Itemslike kitchens, master suites, living rooms and pool areas are usually featured over mud rooms, powder rooms and small guest bedrooms. This would be our approach with each home unless instructed otherwise.
Community areas like pools and clubhouses can be shoot when made available. However, people in pools or working out in community gyms do pose a problem. Photographer will search for an angle or view that hidespeople, or at least minimizes the issue. Photographer will let you know if people can beremoved via editing with no additional cost. Photographer will not be responsiblefor asking people to move or relocate.
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Thank you for sending in your property request. Please note that currently we are 2-3 days out for scheduling and that next day appts may be requested but are not guaranteed. I'll be in touch asap to discuss a time frame that we can arrive in.